About the Developers

Bob and Denice Sherwin, the owners of this special land, have held it for many years, feeling it was to be used for a high purpose. The owners’ vision has been to attract people who deeply resonate with the beauty and energies of the Mesa and feel called to elevate the environment through their stewardship.

The owners found the land in 2005 as part of the Glorieta Mesa Ranch, and immediately knew it was special, and some of the only large parcel of privately held land in New Mexico. Bob and Denice had been active in real estate for many years in the Santa Fe area, playing early roles in the sales and marketing of Las Campanas. However, with this land, rather than create a traditional golf course or other such amenity based development, the owners wanted the magic and beauty of the land to be its anchorage, to attract people who felt called to live in alignment and celebrate the silence and lively spirits of the forest and mesa, who would come for their own deep nurturance and healing and in turn could elevate the environment through their stewardship.

A few years ago Bob and Denice donated adjoining acreage to the Wholeness Crystal Earth Project, to be used as a place of pilgrimage, healing and profound connection with planetary energies. As the months and years passed and The Wholeness (non-profit) installed certain crystalline structures to amplify the energies emanating from the Mesa, Bob and Denice realized it was timely to create a Conservancy on the adjoining property, a place where people could have their own private sanctuary to to preserve and honor the special environment and energies.

They formed Crystal Mesa Partners, with others who held the same vision, with the goal to enhance and preserve this special place and to make it available to a handful of stewards who could benefit from its healing, nurturing sanctuary space.

Walter and Ellen Reifslager, the active managing Partners for Crystal Mesa Partners, hold a deeply aligned vision for the property. Walter and Ellen have dedicated their life to creating unique, boutique, luxury, environmentally and energetically conscious developments. Walter’s training as an environmental lawyer serves to underscore that part of the vision.

Together with Bob and Denice and the other founders, Crystal Mesa Partners strives to offer a new paradigm development for how we enjoy and protect and celebrate all aspects of our Mother Earth, a model that may inspire other such models of development in special locations around the world.

Bob Video

People of the Pecos Pueblo journeyed to the top of Crystal Mesa for ritual and ceremony.

Aerial photos of the Mesa show a 700’ diameter circle in the trees, suggesting a stone wall once defined space for vision quests, astral travel and other ceremonial use.

On the Mesa are several archeological sites and pictographs.

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Denice Video

In recent years, seers of both Eastern and Western traditions have observed unprecedented activation of certain energy grids in Northern New Mexico, specifically the region around Santa Fe including Mt. Truchas and the Pecos River Valley.

Talk more about the different groups etc–

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Walter Video

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Sister Projects

wholeness, love vessel, CEI…

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blah blah blah

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